Monday, August 6, 2012

"bigger than life character"

Arnie Deckwa is a "bigger than life character" who loves life and lives life to its fullest.  How refreshing it is to meet someone that doesn't fit the average mold.  Arnie Deckwa is that type of man as you will see while reading  "The Singing Salmon Man From Cornet Bay."  It is not only an interesting, fun and heartwarming book to read, it takes you on a ride that will cover all your emotions from laughter to tears, while keeping you captivated with its inspiring stories.

Arnie had a dream as a child and with tenacity and hard work he made it happen.  Each story and adventure in this book that Arnie Deckwa has lived are filled with excitement and laughter.  He claims that his twin passions are music and food.  Well, those might be two of his passions, however, I believe that Arnie's main passion is people.  His love for God is evident as he shows love to those around him along with compassion and a generous heart.  He has old fashioned values and does what he says he will.   

Everything Arnie puts his hand and mind to, he does with his whole heart, as you will see while reading "The Singing Salmon Man From Cornet Bay."   Arnie sees obstacles as opportunities and has developed character traits that have all the makings of success. I highly recommend reading this inspiring biography about Arnie Deckwa... you will walk away with a smile on your face, joy in your heart and it will restore your faith in mankind.

Winthrop, WA.